About Jain Vegans
Jain Vegans is about helping the Jain community transition towards a low-himsa vegan lifestyle.
Current services:


WhatsApp Group
An active support group with over 50 members, mainly from the UK.
Aimed at supporting members of the Jain community transition to and live a vegan lifestyle. Moderated to ensure posts are vegan related.
Request to join here.

E-mail Forum
Email group with over 200 international members, mostly UK/Europe, North America and India.
Moderated to ensure posts are vegan related.
Further information and joining instructions can be found here.

Previous activities:
From 2008 to 2018, the Jain Vegans team also took an active role in helping educating the wider Jain community about the importance of transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, mainly in the UK. Activities during this period included:
- Running an annual “give up dairy for Paryushan” campaign
- Educational talks and events, often in collaboration with Jain community organisations
- Running information and food taster stalls at community events
- Cookery demonstrations